Gina Dewdney, 34, and her husband Craig, 35, from Frodsham in Cheshire, tried for a baby during the pandemic – and ended up with extremely rare identical triplets. Here the mum of three tells her story… “As soon as the triplets have been put to bed at 7pm, I spring into action. Although I’ve been […]
Adorable Sibling Photography Ideas With Newbaby
Pyjama Bedtime Snuggles
An identical twin has defied the odds by giving birth to her own set of twin girls.
When Michelle Cooke became pregnant, she could never have imagined that lightening would strike twice. She joked with her identical twin Sarah that history could repeat itself but was astonished when doctors confirmed she was expecting twins – and that they were identical. Identical twins is caused by the egg splitting after conception and do not run […]
When Do Babies Start Smiling
Babies can smile in the womb, even before they are born. A baby’s earliest smiles are reflex smiles, not an attempt to imitate or engage with adults. As babies grow, they develop more social skills and control over their movements. According to some experts, most babies begin regularly smiling between 6 and 12 weeks of age. […]
A mother has given birth to New Zealand’s first set of quadruplets in four years.
Brett and wife Joanne Wills on Saturday became the proud parents of New Zealand’s first set of quadruplets in four years. Fraternal siblings Esther (1.024kg), Lucy (1.461kg), Jonathan (1.647kg) and Oliver (1.316kg) were born in that order at Wellington Regional Hospital over a 15-minute period from about 2pm. The babies were premature, 31 weeks and one […]