Michael Messenger, from Ipswich in Queensland, Australia, was sitting in his yard when the strange creature emerged from the bushes. “It was normal size, but smaller than a hand,” Messenger told Newsweek. “It just hopped at a normal toad speed.” The five-legged toad as photographed by Michael Messenger. The toad has a condition known as polymelia.MICHAEL […]
Provoking Wild Elephants, the Man Found Himself Kneeling and Begging for His Life.
Elephants are the heaviest land animals in the world, normally they are quite shy and rarely interact with humans, but once mad, the destructive power of this animal is extremely terrible. Located 120 km from Bangkok – Thailand, Khao Yai National Park (meaning large) is the third largest park in Thailand with an area of […]
Divine Serpent: The Thrilling Tradition of Bowing to a Three-Headed Cobra in an Indian Village.
n a small village in India, an ancient tradition has been passed down from generation to generation that involves bowing to a three-headed cobra. The villagers believe that this practice brings good luck and wards off evil spirits. The tradition dates back to a time when the village was plagued by poisonous snakes, and the villagers were struggling […]
Rare Two-Headed Snake Unearthed in Odisha: Nature’s Enigma Captivates Locals.
A wildlife eпthυsiast iп Odisha discovered a two-headed sпake, which is coпsidered to be a rare pheпomeпoп iп the world of reptiles. The discovery of this υпiqυe sпake has created a bυzz amoпg wildlife eпthυsiasts aпd scieпtists. The two-headed sпake, also kпowп as bicephalic sпake, is a rare occυrreпce caυsed by a geпetic abпormality […]
The Remarkable Journey of Lakshmi Tatma: A Girl Born with Eight Limbs Thriving in India.
Lakshmi Tatma, de 2 años, es una niña extraña que nació con cuatro manos y cuatro piernas. Sin embargo, Lakshmi Tama no fue ignorada, sino respetada porque se cree que ella es la reicarpación del dios indio Vishpa. Su nombre fue bautizado con el nombre de la diosa Lakshmi de la riqueza y la suerte, y también […]