On his farm, Nikolai Terletsky led a peaceful life without incident, but one day he discovered a young bear cub. Naturally, he was really terrified by everything.
However, bears, even small ones, are dangerous animals.
He started calling all the authorities, because something had to be done with the child. He was not offered a special way out of the situation, there were only two options, either send him back from where he had taken him or put him to sleep. Nikolay tried to find the mother bear, but found nothing.
Most likely, the bear cub came to the village in search of food. Fortunately, he found this man on his way. This man discovered that this bear is listed in the Red Book and there is a danger that it will be kept on the farm for breeding purposes.
Then legal documents are needed to keep the animal. By the way, the bear was a girl, but not very nice. he does not allow himself to be hugged by strangers and shows his claws.
Eventually he stayed on this farm and Nikola had to build a new farm for his birds.
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