While their mother maintains an eye on them, young elephants are free to act however they choose, and they frequently put on a spectacular show for us.
Elephants who are still growing and learning about the world are highly fascinating creatures, and we always love seeing them interact with the environment and other elephants.
Elephant calves under the age of three are still incredibly reliant on their parents. The way that young elephants learn and gradually develop their own identities is by imitating their elders. Young elephants are also quite playful and won’t think twice about charging the car.
Baby elephants are frequently observed acting oddly, such as inserting their trunks into the mouths of more seasoned relatives, consuming the dung of other elephants while attempting to pick up objects. Now, a lot of this might sound strange, but there is a rationale for everything. Elephant calves still need to learn how to navigate the bush.
The food that the older elephants are eating is being sampled by young elephants who are inserting their trunks into those of others. Children learn proper trunk technique by picking up objects. People frequently find it strange to eat other people’s fresh excrement, although doing so helps them consume the required microorganisms for digestion. Since their stomachs do not contain these bacteria, they must get them from an outside source.
Let’s take a look at the funny encounter between a baby elephant and a herd of cows in the video below: