With utmost tenderness, an irresistibly affectionate cat deters its owner from leaving the bed, ensnaring them in a web of warmth and cuddles.
With Paquito, a cat with overflowing tenderness, it is extremely difficult to resist the urge to sleep in. The quadruped is, in fact, particularly good at convincing its mistress to spend a little more time under the covers. The video showing this moment of affection has gone viral on TikTok.

Andrea is behind the TikTok account “ @paquito_thecat ” which she devotes to her cat Paquito . The young woman and this very affectionate feline are inseparable. He follows her absolutely everywhere.
We also remember from this previous article that he made a point of staying by her side when she was working at home and that he even happened to sit on her computer, preventing her from carrying out her tasks. To remedy this, Andrea had the idea of buying him his own “laptop PC” in a feline version, with a scratching post as a keyboard, a toy in the shape of a mouse, a ball and a fake screen with photos of cats.
More recently, another video from Paquito and Andrea was a huge success on the social network. The sequence in question, posted online on November 14, has totaled 4.3 million views to date and is relayed by the PetHelpful site .
We discover the duo’s adorable morning ritual which, we imagine, occasionally causes Andrea to be a little behind on her to-do list at the start of the day.
The wake-up call initially scheduled for 7:35 a.m. was postponed several times. The cat is determined not to let his human leave the bed. He takes her arm between his paws, as if to encourage her to stay at his side a little longer.
Everyone wants their Paquito
After 25 minutes, Andrea had to admit defeat. She hugs him even tighter and goes back to sleep. We can only understand it.
“ I would never get out of bed ,” wrote izzyharrington908 , one of the many Internet users who commented on the video on TikTok . Others expressed their wish for such a warm pet, like bareum : “ I want a cuddly cat! My cat scratches me and bites me if I touch it .”