After a highway accident, the cat stumbled, its nose badly injured, and its life took an unforeseen twist…

This morning, as we were driving on the road, we were startled by a cat suddenly darting across the front of our car. It seemed like the cat had just escaped from a collision. It stumbled across the road, only using three legs. The trembling in its unsteady steps was evident.
Oh my goodness, what a dreadful ordeal you’ve been through, how dangerous it is for a cat to appear on the highway like that.
Immediately, we stopped the car with the intention of approaching and helping the cat. However, its subsequent action left everyone in shock. In no time, the cunning cat slipped under the car and hid inside the engine compartment. We were perplexed, uncertain how to get her out.
It was a precarious situation. The vehicle couldn’t move, as it would endanger the cat. If she got frightened, I was afraid she would dash into the midst of the congested traffic.
I had to fetch some cat food and speak softly to soothe her. From beneath the car’s chassis, a tiny hand reached down, playfully swaying.
Finally, the cat decided to come out, and we managed to catch her. Immediately, she was taken to the veterinary hospital to treat her injuries. One side of her nose was torn and bleeding incessantly. Perhaps it was the consequence of the accident she had encountered earlier. Fortunately, it was a soft tissue injury and not a broken bone.
The veterinarians helped disinfect and apply a hemostatic ointment to her wound. Afterward, the cat returned to the rescue team, where we continued to care for her.
From now on, she has found a new family and a warm home filled with abundant food. The life of wandering amidst countless dangers has come to an end.