In the vast grasslands, a hyena roams in a herd of topi. It is waiting for the right opportunity and prey to act. The sinister hyena approached a sleeping topi. It is not aware of the presence of hyenas. The hyena attacked from behind, causing Topi to lose her guard and not have time to counterattack.

However, topi is very agile, hearing the sound it immediately jumped up and ran away. The chasing hyena moves at a fast speed but does not lose flexibility. They proved to be very smart and agile in catching their prey, always finding ways to push the topi into soft ground to slow their speed.

It tried to run after it and used its sharp jaws to bite topi’s butt. The topi made a beautiful jump quickly dodging the bite. But unfortunately, topi was bitten on the leg by a hyena. The hyena wouldn’t let go no matter how hard topi struggled. Finally, exhausted, topi gave up and suffered the pain of being torn to pieces by hyenas.
